
MetaNet Identity

Bitcoin Is Not a Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin is not a cryptocurrency. It is electronic cash, as designed by its inventor, Satoshi/Craig. Read and learn more here.

Ranking System

Short Version A new ranking (Guilded) system is being introduced. Register on Perform interactive tasks (see long version explanation) Fulfil various criteria to use on the MetaNet slack, or lesser criteria to just use here And earn the privilege of showing visible status & gaining other bonuses Long Version On this platform, your myCredrank…
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Dokkz & Metanet Partnership

MetaNet ICU members will be granted a free 1-year unlimited DOKKZ.COM account as a perk to a Business, Platinum or Diamond membership.

Centrality vs Centralization

Centrality and centralisation are two completely different things. Within the bitcoin network, there is a centrality which is not the same as centralisation. Centrality is a term used within network theory as well as centralisation. Centralisation is a single point, many central points can exist within a network; these are centralized points, not a centrality.…
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MetaNet Membership Discount

30% and 20% discounts to MetaNet Membership until August the 15th.

Trials & Tribulations

The trials and tribulations of a persons life is as a catalyst on a forge, sometimes people break, sometimes they are reforged into something far stronger.

Identity & Bitcoin

Identity theft, computer breaches and hacking are a paramount problem of the electronic information age. Can the MetaNet help solve the issues at hand?

MetaNet Data and the Tragedy of the Commons

There’s more to storing data forever on the blockchain than you might think. Let’s explore the issue by looking at what miners are, and aren’t incentivized to do.

Is BitCoin still private after the EU’s AMLD5?

As the deadline for EU member states to implementation AMLD5 approaches, let us have a look at how this directive impacts the virtual currency industry, and its users. And is BitCoin still private after AMLD5?

The Big Ruse: Anonymity != Privacy

Anonymity and privacy are often used interchangeably in Bitcoin and crypto circles, but they don’t have the same goals.