Bugs and Errors

Metaverse Forums Ranking System Bugs and Errors

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  • #2458
    JoelDalaisJoel Dalais
      Trust: Trust 805.00
      Rank: Artisan

      Post a reply in this thread if you notice and bugs or errors, thanks.

        Trust: Trust 29.00
        Rank: Apprentice

        I was able to report my own review (I guess you shouldn’t be able to)
        On my facebook account I was able to add N/A (which created a link to an unexisting profile). Same with any other wording or links.
        I couldn’t do the same (add N/A) for Google+ (not sure if anyone still uses it).
        I see Twetch and Relica links, but nowhere to update them on my profile. 

          Trust: Trust 29.00
          Rank: Apprentice

          Extra word ‘for’ in notification: You have received 1 trust for for new forum reply

          JoelDalaisJoel Dalais
            Trust: Trust 805.00
            Rank: Artisan

            Don’t think i can fix the N/A thing, user choice really, if they don’t want to link it in. Though it does provide % towards profile completeness.. I might downgrade how much % it offers then.. maybe will add in relica and twetch to add in % for profile completeness

            Re: twetch and relica links, a user profile has to be verified, and then they appear, I’ve added you as ‘paypal verified’ for now, you should be able to see them and add info now.

            And the notification double ‘for’ is an odd one, but should be fixed now, let me know.

            edit: my notification for a forum reply has no ‘for’ in at all now and looks odd.. let me know yours looks @Dima

            though in the notification dropdown it looks ok.. so.. hmm, odd

            • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by JoelDalaisJoel Dalais. Reason: added edit
            • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by JoelDalaisJoel Dalais.
              Trust: Trust 29.00
              Rank: Apprentice

              Thanks Joel. You can restrict symbols like ‘/’ or space in user profile fields. I think Google+ section has that restriction. I don’t use some of the social media. Is there a way to specify that I don’t have one? So if someone is using my name on Facebook, that means it’s not me.
              I’ll check notification after I post this

              upd: Yep. Single ‘for’ right now

              • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by dimadandimadan.
              JoelDalaisJoel Dalais
                Trust: Trust 805.00
                Rank: Artisan

                > Is there a way to specify that I don’t have one? So if someone is using my name on Facebook, that means it’s not me.

                I will have to think on this.. it might just have to be for the user to add a relevant note in their biography along the lines of “I don’t use facebook”.

                Another option is that I could make a badge that symbolizes it, like the facebook logo but with a big red cross on it and ‘no facebook’ wording, but then it would have to be manually added to each user that requested it, which is not a problem really at this time.. I’ll try making the badge sometime and we’ll see how it looks.

                  Trust: Trust 106.00
                  Rank: Craftsman

                  After uploading cover photo, removing it before saving/posting, it still gives 1+ point to the user.

                    Trust: Trust 23.00
                    Rank: Apprentice

                    can we use other services to verify?
                    don’t use paypal.
                    maybe venmo? 😀

                    JoelDalaisJoel Dalais
                      Trust: Trust 805.00
                      Rank: Artisan

                      currently we only use paypal, until a suitable blockchain identity service is available

                      if you can get a known (identified) current member of the metanet membership club who knows and have met you to verify you, that will do, though you will still have to pay the fee, and we’d be adding a note on the backend that you were not verified properly

                      JoelDalaisJoel Dalais
                        Trust: Trust 805.00
                        Rank: Artisan

                        >After uploading cover photo, removing it before saving/posting, it still gives 1+ point to the user.

                        it will do this, though it will only do it a few times per week, I think maybe 2x, but this can be turned off

                          Trust: Trust 2.00
                          Rank: Unranked

                          I dont think that is related to the user files, but actually part of the general HL errors. If I recall correctly it is supposed to go away when you save the portfolio and then reload.

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